
發布 2023-12-15
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    Dear Jack,I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so don't know how you got it,however,don't be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high just need to be clam and partner the treatment with the ,I want to give some advice about how to prevent the A H1N1 ,you mustn't go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of getting ,you should wash your hand before the meals and after you go home from do this can you precent yourself from getting it again.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you and wish you recover.



  2. 匿名使用者2023-11-05

    ,I'm Li Hua,the guest you met in your hotel several days have to say thank you for your comfortable service during my , there's one thing that I want you to help left my two English novels in the drawer of the give me a hand and I am looking forward to your answer.


    Li Hua

  1. 1個回答2023-12-15

    您好,以下是我根據題目要求寫的一篇英文作文,希望對大家有所幫助: >>>More

  2. 3個回答2023-12-15

    你可以翻譯這 4 個點,其餘的你不知道嗎?

  3. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Dear Peter,I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. Our school now is looking for a native-speaker to teach somen courses to senior high students. If you come, you can choose three of the following four courses: >>>More

  4. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Dear Peter

    I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind of you to invite me to your house and I hopefully want to celebrate your birthday with you and express my best wishes to you. Much to my regret, I will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner, for which I am now quite busy preparing. >>>More

  5. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Dear Manager,My name is Ming Li, a high school student. I am looking for a summer job and I believe my skills and background are perfect to fit the position you are have very good English language skills and have no problems communicating with English speakers. Besides, I love invention which is part of my life. >>>More

  6. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Last Sunday, I and my father, mother, went to ShangHai by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. >>>More

  7. 1個回答2023-12-15

    你是乙個和藹可親的祖母,臉上有很多皺紋,你是乙個老老師,你教育你的學生,你把你的知識傳授給他們,讓他們成為你的繼任者。 卞先生,我想對你說:“那一刻,我太感動了! ” >>>More

  8. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Dear Brown

    Glat to see your last Email and thanks for your kind compliment >>>More

  9. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Hello Peter,Many thanks for your lovely gift I just recieved. The doll looks very beautiful and I love it very much. It's perfect for my birthday. >>>More

  10. 2個回答2023-12-15

    I have got a good is a name is is taller than has got short black is very is a bit likes learning likes likes Chinese, word is very likes likes playing he can play it very likes football, can play it very can always be friend.

  11. 2個回答2023-12-15

    我去。。。 又是李華...... 李華注定要陪伴我們3年!

  12. 1個回答2023-12-15

    My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan studied in GuangMing primary school >>>More

  13. 3個回答2023-12-15

    How to Get Along With Friends

    A true friend is sweet, between, should close, have mutual affinity. Friendship welcomes each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of respect. You also can talk each tastes of friends usually are similar, and they will share enjoyable activities. >>>More

  14. 2個回答2023-12-15

    At present, the behaviors of stealing personal information through the network are not surprising any more. Because computers can gather and sort vast amounts of data, and the Internet can distribute them globally, the concerns about privacy online are magnified. >>>More

  15. 1個回答2023-12-15

    ne possible version

    Dear sir >>>More

  16. 2個回答2023-12-15


  17. 1個回答2023-12-15

    不安。 我為我的朋友感到難過,我害怕我的朋友以後會發現並找到我,所以我無言以對。

  18. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Li hua is my high school classmates

  19. 1個回答2023-12-15

    My name is Li hua. I am a student in Xinhua Middle School.

  20. 2個回答2023-12-15


  21. 1個回答2023-12-15

    My day arrangements

    Now, the new term begins. I live the life normal as before. Every morning, I get up at 6: >>>More

  22. 3個回答2023-12-15


    first of all,prepare four tomatos and three >>>More

  23. 2個回答2023-12-15


    My name is Hua Li and I came from XingGuang Middle School. >>>More

  24. 4個回答2023-12-15


  25. 1個回答2023-12-15

    some say love

    it is a river >>>More

  26. 3個回答2023-12-15

    My name is Li Hua, the president of student union

  27. 4個回答2023-12-15

    為什麼要寫這麼難的文章 捏別的?

  28. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Liming's birthday is coming,I want to give him a know that he likes playing I prepare to buy a football for him. >>>More

  29. 2個回答2023-12-15


    Lihua,a student of Hongxing Senior school >>>More

  30. 1個回答2023-12-15

    Li Ping sings as well as Li Hua.