
發布 玫瑰 2024-02-13
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    Rose is much more a symbol than a kind of thousand years,old China has seen this flower as a sign of true love and pure are sweetly described as they 're thought as beautiful as them.

    And there goes another old saying:sending anoher a banch of roses with good smell of roses in hand.

  1. 1個回答2024-02-13

    She is a teacher who looks the students' benefits more important than class is funny and we can understand it is always kind to us while sometimes she will be strict with us. Her teaching quantity is higher and higher due to she is >>>More

  2. 2個回答2024-02-13


  3. 2個回答2024-02-13

    寒假的一天,我去好朋友XXX家玩。 在去她家的路上,天空中飄起了鵝毛雪。 看著這一幕,我忘不了自己有多開心,心想: >>>More

  4. 1個回答2024-02-13


    本書作者是梅子涵。 這個名字聽起來像是乙個女人,但實際上是乙個男人。 梅子涵的寫作風格也像個女人,像個囉嗦的老太太,嘮叨,胡說八道,但從這些“廢話”中,我們可以體會到幽默和微笑。 >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-02-13

    蘆薈我家的陽台上,有敖雪的梅花,有芬芳的桂花,有優雅的君子蘭花,還有許多不出名的花...... >>>More

  6. 1個回答2024-02-13


  7. 2個回答2024-02-13


    不是菊花在花裡受寵,這朵花更是無花。 >>>More

  8. 2個回答2024-02-13

    花園裡的菊花盛開。 斑塊,簇,斜坡,山脊,滿是手臂的眼睛,金色,菊花的海洋。 從遠處看,就像是一朵金色的蘑菇雲飄落下來,這是天空中的白雲,融化了太陽的金色光芒,隨意飛濺在這裡嗎? >>>More

  9. 1個回答2024-02-13

    In a school,There is a man named Li day he gets up very early,Every time the teacher asked a question,He was the one who raised his is over,Li Hua and sit at the same table and some brothers to play time I call the bell,He runs the physical education class,He ran down the day he is like this.

  10. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Peter, I was received your letter and would like to anwser your question. You were asked me how to learn Chinese well. I will give my suggestions on four aspects. >>>More

  11. 2個回答2024-02-13

    My name is Li Hua. My home town is LiHua village. It is a small village located at GuangXi. >>>More

  12. 2個回答2024-02-13

    看! 菊花昂首挺胸,豆芽般的花瓣緊緊地簇擁在一起,遠遠望去,真是一副似的模樣。 >>>More

  13. 2個回答2024-02-13

    500字是多少? 要寫軟文,你必須有乙個有稿費的專業人士。 讓我們先引用。

  14. 2個回答2024-02-13

    我第一次見到李白,是在我奶奶的啟蒙教育中。 “窗前明亮的月光,疑似是地上結霜。 抬起頭看明月,低頭思鄉。 >>>More

  15. 2個回答2024-02-13

    在我家門前,有幾朵小野菊。 不知道這些野菊是什麼時候開始在那裡生長的,在我的記憶裡,好像只有一兩朵,然後它們長得越來越旺盛,長得大大的。每年秋葉散落,寒冬來臨之際,都會綻放,金黃的花朵十分醒目! >>>More

  16. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Marinated Tomato

    Tomato 300g >>>More

  17. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Faker is South Korea's SK Telecom T1 K League single player, known as the big devil. At first he was playing (one of the four branches of Dota games) Chaos online, just after the start of the contact opening hanbok online game League of Legends. His good hero Trickery Enchantress make him a powerful single. >>>More

  18. 1個回答2024-02-13

    我的家鄉在鄭州,說到家鄉的紅棗,大家都知道。 聲譽。 >>>More

  19. 3個回答2024-02-13

    I have a good name is Liming.

    He is thirteen years likes exercise,usually when he comes home from eating habits are pretty likes eating vegetables and never eats junk food. >>>More

  20. 4個回答2024-02-13

    櫻花歸於人,歌唱,櫻花離人而去。 櫻花、花霧、海、川井粉草、蜂蜜、雪、。

  21. 1個回答2024-02-13

    白洛梅,雖然她寫了很多散文,但大部分都展現了今世安定、愛與自由、不貪婪、不勉強的人生哲學。 反映歲月靜謐美好,與所遇之事平安相待。 這些點也是貫穿白洛梅所有選集的情感和出發點。 >>>More

  22. 2個回答2024-02-13


  23. 2個回答2024-02-13


    但酒的好壞取決於它的儲存,如果剪開塑料蓋,軟木塞開裂、發霉等異常,仔細喝,倒出來試一試,沒有太明顯的氧化味,如醋、醬油、哈拉味,喝起來也沒關係。 >>>More