李明正在計算乙個多項式減去 3x 的 2x1 的冪,誤以為這是加法的

發布 2024-06-03
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    多項式 + (x -3x+5) = 5x -2x+4

    乙個多項式 = 4x + x-1

    乙個多項式 - (x -3x+5) = 3x +4x-6

  1. 2個回答2024-06-03

    多項式的加減法本質上是將相似項合併,但多項式的減法主要是將運算中涉及的兩個多項式作為乙個整體來考察,尤其是後面做“減法”的多項式應該用括號括起來,然後再去括號。 從這個角度來看: >>>More

  2. 1個回答2024-06-03

    300 (280-260) 15 (分鐘)。

  3. 4個回答2024-06-03

    如果將乙個因子放大到小數點,它擴大了 10 倍,乘積也擴大了 10 倍,所以正確的乘積是:90 10 = 9

  4. 1個回答2024-06-03


  5. 1個回答2024-06-03

    假設這是乙個 n 邊行,遺漏的角是 x 度。

    那麼這個 n 側行的內角之和是 180 (n-2)。 >>>More

  6. 1個回答2024-06-03


    描述:被剪掉後,呈9邊形。 >>>More

  7. 1個回答2024-06-03

    Liming's birthday is coming,I want to give him a know that he likes playing I prepare to buy a football for him. >>>More

  8. 1個回答2024-06-03


    在考試作文中,要注意段落的及時性,三四段看似少,八九段瑣碎。 除特殊情況外,最好五六段。 此外,卷材表面必須整齊整潔,不宜凌亂。 >>>More

  9. 2個回答2024-06-03


  10. 3個回答2024-06-03

    Li Ming's brother is a pilot

  11. 4個回答2024-06-03


  12. 4個回答2024-06-03

    將其歸還給所有者,他可以停止使用它。 你拿著也沒用

  13. 6個回答2024-06-03


    1. 點選進入“計算器”; >>>More

  14. 1個回答2024-06-03

    甄嬛的傳記中只有幾首歌。 應該是《奇舞》,甄嬛在文儀公主的壽宴上跳舞,歌名是《奇舞》。 >>>More

  15. 1個回答2024-06-03

    Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my Festival is a folk the past,In the past,the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day".But Today,Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has are pulled,and dirt swept away,and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit the sacrifices at a family's home altar,the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry,bland theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area,the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors,and not be plundered by strangers.

  16. 2個回答2024-06-03


    Li Ming saw a little girl crying >>>More

  17. 4個回答2024-06-03

    乙個乘數 x18 = 432

    乙個乘數 = 432 18 >>>More

  18. 2個回答2024-06-03


  19. 2個回答2024-06-03


  20. 1個回答2024-06-03


  21. 1個回答2024-06-03

    明亮。。。 超越。

  22. 1個回答2024-06-03

    Bethune, full name Norman Bethune (Norman Bethune, March 3, 1890 to 1939 November 12), a member of the Communist Party of Canada, internationalist fighters, the famous thoracic surgeons. In 1890 was born in Canada Ontario gravenhurst town and joined the Communist Party of Canada in 1935, 1938 came to China to participate in the Anti Japanese revolutionary, 1939 died of illness. He in China for a year and a half of the time works wholeheartedly for the Chinese revolution in the war of resistance against Japan, Mao Zedong said it is a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a from the vulgar person, a benefit to the people.

  23. 2個回答2024-06-03


    如果原始小數是讀取兩個零,則原始小數是。 >>>More

  24. 1個回答2024-06-03

    24x3 = 72 厘公尺。

    答:實際高度為72厘公尺。 >>>More

  25. 1個回答2024-06-03


  26. 2個回答2024-06-03

    如果您之前購買過,它將顯示在您的購買歷史記錄中。 然後直接使用另一部iPhone連線您的帳戶,然後就可以轉到該iPhone

  27. 3個回答2024-06-03

    Wallet Manager 是乙個 oracle 整合管理工具,它增強了加密 Oracle 錢包的安全性,或者使用“Wallet Manager”來管理證書以及公鑰和私鑰。 >>>More

  28. 1個回答2024-06-03

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  29. 3個回答2024-06-03

    在 iPhone 螢幕上設定移動主鍵以按如下方式操作: >>>More

  30. 2個回答2024-06-03
