
發布 2024-07-14
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06


  2. 匿名使用者2023-11-05


  3. 匿名使用者2023-11-04

    然後看看班主任的通知,誰要走就走誰,那他會放誰走呢? 你必須聽,如果你不聽,你就會被清理乾淨。

  4. 匿名使用者2023-11-03


  5. 匿名使用者2023-11-02

    通知就夠了嗎? 有問題嗎?

  6. 匿名使用者2023-11-01


  7. 匿名使用者2023-10-31


  1. 2個回答2024-07-14

    I am the monitor of class three, class nine, Li Ming.

    我是李明,九年級三班的班長。 >>>More

  2. 2個回答2024-07-14


  3. 1個回答2024-07-14

    郭大佑冷笑道:“福天年紀小,做錯了事也無話可說,罵他糊塗了。 舅舅已經不年輕了,舅舅為什麼不去郭家談這件事? >>>More

  4. 2個回答2024-07-14

    I'm wangNan,a student of Middle School. I have a gooa friend,' an USA are both in Class Two,Grade is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study 'm good at physices,but she's good at often help each other with of us like helping others. >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-07-14

    Li Ming is one of the most diligent/hardworking student in my class.

  6. 1個回答2024-07-14

    I was the star of the middle school class leader Li Hua

    I was the star of the middle school class leader Li Hua >>>More

  7. 1個回答2024-07-14

    Dear Fred,Good day!

    I am Li Hua , precident of the Student Union from XXX School. >>>More

  8. 2個回答2024-07-14

    問題的表達不完整,你想要什麼? 感謝信?

  9. 2個回答2024-07-14


  10. 4個回答2024-07-14

    I am 18 high class monitor Li Hua 班長[bān zhǎng].

    詞典監視器; 班級監視器(學生班級的班級)。 >>>More

  11. 5個回答2024-07-14

    提取碼:12M9 李永樂 王世安數學團隊,通過對大家近期的複習和出現的問題,為考生複習衝刺階段的分數和指導。 在衝刺階段,目的是總結試題中的問題和不足,對照教學大綱檢查和補齊空白,提高實用素養,制定做題策略,規劃試卷草稿,特別是實戰心理素質。 >>>More

  12. 3個回答2024-07-14

    My name is li Ming is the class 1, grade 7 students

  13. 4個回答2024-07-14

    Li Ming is a student from Class Three, Grade One.

  14. 4個回答2024-07-14

    班長李明是德智體全面發展的好學生。 他不僅關心集體,刻苦學習,還注重體育鍛煉。 因此,他被評為三等學生。 他對語言特別感興趣,經常為《語言日報》撰稿。 >>>More

  15. 4個回答2024-07-14

    我們班有個同學是李紅,他把這句話改成了: >>>More

  16. 2個回答2024-07-14


  17. 1個回答2024-07-14

    Dear Tom,I'm very glad to tell you something about Spring Festival. >>>More

  18. 1個回答2024-07-14


  19. 2個回答2024-07-14

    Hello 翻譯為:

    I'm Li Hua from grade two (10). >>>More

  20. 1個回答2024-07-14


  21. 2個回答2024-07-14

    I'm your friend,LiMing

  22. 1個回答2024-07-14

    Li Hua is student of grade 2 in senior high school.

    李華是高中一二班的學生。 >>>More

  23. 3個回答2024-07-14

    紫雲香做純正的古樹茶,客服在發貨的時候會給你乙份你訂購的產品樣品,服務很好,紫雲香的老半掌比其他廠家貴,數量太少。 似乎都是他們的茶人樂凡先生,從選材、採摘,到壓榨,一系列的監工來完成。 一定是100%半張古樹茶。

  24. 1個回答2024-07-14

    Dear Tom, Would you mind to find some other time for meeting me, since I have been fully occupied by 14:00 GEO. 15: >>>More

  25. 2個回答2024-07-14


  26. 2個回答2024-07-14

    Dear Mike:

    Hello, hear that you want to knowl something about chinese students' let me tell you our ,Chinese,physics,chemicals are the most important subjects in our also have Einglish,history and so hope this will help you. >>>More

  27. 1個回答2024-07-14

    I will introduce my style of get up early every day,then I go to school by my free time,I will play games with my ,I like reading some intresting busy day,I am going doing my homework,then I watching TV with my like my style of life,happy every day.

  28. 1個回答2024-07-14

    Li Yan is the student of Class 3, Grade Six .

  29. 1個回答2024-07-14

    你好! 我是李華,三年級八年級學生。

    I'm li hua, a student class 8, grade three >>>More

  30. 1個回答2024-07-14

    Li hua, whose English name is Tony, is a student in Class Two, Grade One in No. One Middle School,