
發布 2024-01-02
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxia

    by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom.

    We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,.“李明,唐'希廷霍夫韋

    Split Ages、Atlast、Soy、Instridrich、Top、Tentup、Bentes、Chenari、Sowell、Flinkis、Ivas Thursti、Maimoser Bot、Ah、Bottel、Benwater、.finally we went ,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。與伊瓦斯·弗里哈皮(Ivas Frihapi)一起搞砸

  1. 1個回答2024-01-02

    Liming's birthday is coming,I want to give him a know that he likes playing I prepare to buy a football for him. >>>More

  2. 1個回答2024-01-02

    DearDr. Helper,I am junior high school student. I am now in great of your help. >>>More

  3. 1個回答2024-01-02


  4. 1個回答2024-01-02

    郭大佑冷笑道:“福天年紀小,做錯了事也無話可說,罵他糊塗了。 舅舅已經不年輕了,舅舅為什麼不去郭家談這件事? >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-01-02

    Dear Manager,My name is Ming Li, a high school student. I am looking for a summer job and I believe my skills and background are perfect to fit the position you are have very good English language skills and have no problems communicating with English speakers. Besides, I love invention which is part of my life. >>>More

  6. 2個回答2024-01-02

    Thanks to li Ming send your birthday present

  7. 1個回答2024-01-02


    在考試作文中,要注意段落的及時性,三四段看似少,八九段瑣碎。 除特殊情況外,最好五六段。 此外,卷材表面必須整齊整潔,不宜凌亂。 >>>More

  8. 1個回答2024-01-02

    Dear Mike:

    Hello, hear that you want to knowl something about chinese students' let me tell you our ,Chinese,physics,chemicals are the most important subjects in our also have Einglish,history and so hope this will help you. >>>More

  9. 1個回答2024-01-02

    My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan studied in GuangMing primary school from 2001 to I am studying at the Middle School in main courses are Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry,geography,history,politics,PE and so have many hobbies,such as swimming,palying basketball,PingPong, like listening to music and my favourite nusic is pop dream is to become a doctor because many and many patients have fewer tained docors and very little I will become a good doctor to help these people and let them live a happy you.我叫李華,1995年2月出生於四川成都。 >>>More

  10. 4個回答2024-01-02

    Dear Phelps,I'm sorry that you have to go back home for medical treatment .It's totally a sudden for I always regard you as an athletic condition is permitted, I wish to know what disease have you Chinese tradition medical standard is very high now, maybe I can provide some the days you were absent,your classmates were so worried about your health condition and cure took many photos of the activities our class took part in I will transmit them with this e-mail togather to you,with the hope of reliefing your ,on behalf of all your classmates, I wish you can recover soon and go back to China to study with us. >>>More

  11. 3個回答2024-01-02


    first of all,prepare four tomatos and three >>>More

  12. 1個回答2024-01-02

    如果你是李華,你的同學JACK在美國做交換生時,因甲型流感入院,很緊張。 你從他父親的電話中得知了這件事,並決定寫一封哀悼信。 主要功能包括: >>>More

  13. 2個回答2024-01-02

    I have got a good is a name is is taller than has got short black is very is a bit likes learning likes likes Chinese, word is very likes likes playing he can play it very likes football, can play it very can always be friend.

  14. 2個回答2024-01-02

    我去。。。 又是李華...... 李華注定要陪伴我們3年!

  15. 1個回答2024-01-02

    some say love

    it is a river >>>More

  16. 2個回答2024-01-02

    Dear Jack,I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so don't know how you got it,however,don't be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high just need to be clam and partner the treatment with the ,I want to give some advice about how to prevent the A H1N1 ,you mustn't go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of getting ,you should wash your hand before the meals and after you go home from do this can you precent yourself from getting it again. >>>More

  17. 1個回答2024-01-02

    My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan studied in GuangMing primary school >>>More

  18. 4個回答2024-01-02

    為什麼要寫這麼難的文章 捏別的?

  19. 1個回答2024-01-02

    放學後,我在家門口發現了一張蜘蛛網,上面的蜘蛛正在吃我抓到的獵物——蚊子。 看著在網中忙碌的蜘蛛和掙扎的蚊子,我的好奇心公升起了:蜘蛛是如何感知獵物進來的? >>>More

  20. 1個回答2024-01-02

    junior high school life is a mysterious cotton yarn, always want to lift its true colors, look inside the surprise; now opened, but brought a lot of troubles and confusion, happy, sad, and so on. This surprise really let oneself can not

  21. 3個回答2024-01-02

    How to Get Along With Friends

    A true friend is sweet, between, should close, have mutual affinity. Friendship welcomes each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of respect. You also can talk each tastes of friends usually are similar, and they will share enjoyable activities. >>>More

  22. 1個回答2024-01-02

    Hello, Stewen. I am glad to hear that you will come to China for a holiday. I have ask some days off and made a tourist plan . >>>More

  23. 2個回答2024-01-02


    別說他幾十年前的奇蹟,就像天山的奶奶一樣,僅僅因為他幫助了那麼多老人過馬路,但他仍然完好無損地活著——沒有被誣告,這值得每乙個中國人對他最崇高的敬意! >>>More

  24. 3個回答2024-01-02


    英語是: >>>More

  25. 2個回答2024-01-02


  26. 1個回答2024-01-02

    I have seen in a magazine that there is a disabled boy named Zhou has been very obsessed with Jay. He would think of ways to go to Jay Chou's concert scene, and even suicide. Li Dong knew the news and said he would not go to see him. >>>More

  27. 1個回答2024-01-02

    Dear Peter,I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. Our school now is looking for a native-speaker to teach somen courses to senior high students. If you come, you can choose three of the following four courses: >>>More

  28. 1個回答2024-01-02

    Dear Amy,I am sorry to hear that you are usually think keep health is very can do these things as more as possible every day. >>>More

  29. 1個回答2024-01-02

    62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333337383861) by Chinese media.

  30. 1個回答2024-01-02

    在生活中,我們需要成功的喜悅,挫折的痛苦,歡笑,以及勇往直前的勇氣 勇氣就是敢想敢做,不怕氣勢 人生需要很多很多的勇氣,在各種條件下才能證明乙個人是有勇氣還是懦弱 成功的人有什麼? 智慧? 人才? >>>More