英語翻譯線上翻譯 你不喜歡的蘋果是什麼顏色的

發布 蘋果 2024-05-08
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    你不喜歡的蘋果是什麼顏色的顏色 世兆egg內有don't like?

    親愛的:高老師祝你學業進步,天天快樂! 搜尋租金。


  2. 匿名使用者2023-11-05

    雙。 你不喜歡那個蘋果,它是什麼顏色的?


  1. 1個回答2024-05-08

    我喜歡吃那個蘋果是用英文封閉的,翻譯狀態來看。 >>>More

  2. 3個回答2024-05-08

    學名: Nelumbo nucifera

    昵稱:蓮花(印度教蓮花)。 >>>More

  3. 2個回答2024-05-08

    Do you mind if Li Ming is late for class?

  4. 1個回答2024-05-08

    My favorite vegetables are cabbages and tomatoes.

    祝你在學業上取得進步,更上一層樓! 請記得領養,謝謝! (* >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-05-08


    食材:紫菜、蔥花、蒜末。 >>>More

  6. 3個回答2024-05-08


    但總的來說,直譯不是很真實,所以釋義是用虛假的希望來安慰自己或以幻想為食 >>>More

  7. 1個回答2024-05-08


    Zhao guest, unadorned Hu Hu, Wu hook, frost and snow ming. >>>More

  8. 2個回答2024-05-08

    Li Ming's schoolbag/bag is on the desk in the classroom.

    親愛的:祝你在學業上取得進步,祝你有快樂的一天V! >>>More

  9. 1個回答2024-05-08

    Dear Bob,I am writing this E-mail to invite you to come to the 18th birthday party of my friend, Wang Ping. The party will be held on Tuesday(1/9/2016) in Wang's home, 39 Lijaing Street, Qinhuai District, Jiangsu Province, PR China. >>>More

  10. 2個回答2024-05-08

    投桃報李 [tóu táo bào lǐ].

    【字典】給李子換桃子--送禮物換禮物; exchange gifts between friends; return presents between friends; return a favor with a favor; do likewise for you >>>More

  11. 3個回答2024-05-08

    Li Qiang's timetable/schedule

    親愛的:高老師祝你學業進步,天天快樂! >>>More

  12. 4個回答2024-05-08

    你好,你叫什麼名字,我叫李明的英文:Hello What's your name? My name is Li Ming >>>More

  13. 7個回答2024-05-08


    配料】乙個西紅柿;四個雞蛋; 2湯匙食用油; 一小撮精製鹽。 >>>More

  14. 3個回答2024-05-08

    桑樹 [sāng shèn].

    mulberry >>>More

  15. 1個回答2024-05-08


    傳統泰式按摩、芳香健美和釋放毒物按摩 >>>More

  16. 3個回答2024-05-08


    I don't like tomatoes and strawberries. >>>More

  17. 1個回答2024-05-08

    Li Ping sings as well as Li Hua.

  18. 1個回答2024-05-08


    你想讓蘋果衝上前去嗎? >>>More

  19. 1個回答2024-05-08


    Li Hua is my classmate. I'm very familiar with him. >>>More

  20. 2個回答2024-05-08

    [vegetable]The tomato fry egg [raw material]Tomato; Egg four; Cooking oil two spoons; Refined salt little. [manufacture process]Goes to the first tomato the peduncle cleaning, cuts comes of age the block; Infiltrates again the egg in the bowl, joins the refined salt to mix evenly. Then puts in the wok on the strong fire, pours into the oil to burn the heat, fries ripe the tomato, pours into immediately the egg turns fries several, burns two minutes about pots then to charg.

  21. 3個回答2024-05-08


  22. 2個回答2024-05-08


    My name is Hua Li and I came from XingGuang Middle School. >>>More

  23. 4個回答2024-05-08


  24. 4個回答2024-05-08


    My school is paotongshu primary school >>>More

  25. 1個回答2024-05-08

    Teacher Li is your maths teacher?

  26. 3個回答2024-05-08

    my first teacher .因為如果你使用我的第一位老師,意思就變成了他或她是我第一位老師。

  27. 2個回答2024-05-08


    dù sōng zǐ jiǔ >>>More