西紅柿炒雞蛋過程的英文翻譯 50 分。

發布 2024-02-22
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    [vegetable]The tomato fry egg [raw material]Tomato; Egg four; Cooking oil two spoons; Refined salt little. [manufacture process]Goes to the first tomato the peduncle cleaning, cuts comes of age the block; Infiltrates again the egg in the bowl, joins the refined salt to mix evenly. Then puts in the wok on the strong fire, pours into the oil to burn the heat, fries ripe the tomato, pours into immediately the egg turns fries several, burns two minutes about pots then to charg.

  2. 匿名使用者2023-11-05

    Fried tomato with eggmaterial: one tomato, four eggs, two spoons of cooking oil, some salt


    1. dice the washed tomato;

    2. crack the four eggs into a bowl and slightly beat the egg with some salt; (add the salt according to your taste)

    3. heat the cooking oil, stir fry the diced tomato, add the beaten egg and stir for about two minutes. Then the dish is ready.

  1. 7個回答2024-02-22


    配料】乙個西紅柿;四個雞蛋; 2湯匙食用油; 一小撮精製鹽。 >>>More

  2. 4個回答2024-02-22

    I want tomato and egg noodles

    I want noodles with tomatoes and eggs >>>More

  3. 2個回答2024-02-22


    番茄炒雞蛋 >>>More

  4. 3個回答2024-02-22

    桑樹 [sāng shèn].

    mulberry >>>More

  5. 3個回答2024-02-22


    first of all,prepare four tomatos and three >>>More

  6. 1個回答2024-02-22

    菜名]雞蛋炒番茄 【材料】番茄(1)、雞蛋(4)、食用油(2湯匙)、鹽調味(注:味燃丹精叫味精(味精)但老佩段不吃) [如何] 1 Wash a...

  7. 7個回答2024-02-22

    1、tomato omelette

    釋義]西紅柿炒雞蛋。 >>>More

  8. 3個回答2024-02-22

    Tomatoes peel and cut into small pieces

    To break up eggs and mix round itPut the oil into pot and heat it,then scramble eggs,and take it out. >>>More

  9. 4個回答2024-02-22

    scrambled eggs with tomatoes

  10. 3個回答2024-02-22

    Tomato egg noodles do

  11. 1個回答2024-02-22

    Li Ping sings as well as Li Hua.

  12. 1個回答2024-02-22


    Li Hua is my classmate. I'm very familiar with him. >>>More

  13. 4個回答2024-02-22

    為什麼要寫這麼難的文章 捏別的?

  14. 6個回答2024-02-22

    翻譯自 Naver 漢韓詞典

    西紅柿炒雞蛋。 >>>More

  15. 1個回答2024-02-22


    再見,對不起。 >>>More

  16. 3個回答2024-02-22

    先打雞蛋,在打好的雞蛋混合物中放少許香油和鹽,在有蓋的碗裡放一小勺食用油,用微波爐大火加熱約一分鐘,取出即可。 >>>More