
發布 2024-06-16
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06




  2. 匿名使用者2023-11-05


  1. 1個回答2024-06-16

    First of all, congratulations on you was admitted to a famous university, this is the dream of you grew up, congratulations to your dreams come true. I wish you well in college life. Still don't know what you want to go to the professional, how about the prospect of this major, after graduation is good looking for work, how about working conditions. >>>More

  2. 2個回答2024-06-16


  3. 1個回答2024-06-16

    不安。 我為我的朋友感到難過,我害怕我的朋友以後會發現並找到我,所以我無言以對。

  4. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Dear Bob, It's very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I'd like to tell you something about my hometown wenzhou. The city stands on the bank of the Changiiang River. >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-06-16


    I ACCPTE A news froms news about your hometown acctacted by violent typhoon ,many house destroyed ,the water and electric have be breaked off,the school has be closed,you should be very sad for this typoon? are you ok? i whish you bestir yourself1. >>>More

  6. 1個回答2024-06-16


  7. 1個回答2024-06-16


  8. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Dearprincipal I'dliketojointhesummercamp"comeintotheAmericanfamily"andmyreasonsareasfollows. Tobeginwith,comingintoAmericanfamilymeansI''smore,I',IcanalsoimprovemyEnglish. I'mfondofreading,painting,,italsomakesmylifeinAmericanmorecolorfulandmeaningful. >>>More

  9. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Hello, Peter I am li ping, I come from China. What's your hobby? I have many hobbies. >>>More

  10. 2個回答2024-06-16


  11. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Dear Daddy and Mummy,How are you these days? Are you OK? I miss you very have been back to school for two months. >>>More

  12. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Having a good education is very beneficial to us . There are the following reasons. First a good education can help us get more knowledge and experience, which certainly provides us with personal enrichment and improvement. >>>More

  13. 1個回答2024-06-16

    at first,i didn't like english at all. then one day ,when i was walking on the street ,a foreigner asked me where he could find a bar, luckily, i understood him, so i told him where the bar was. for the first time ,i found english can be so then on ,i decided to learn english well, my dear friends ,let's study english can bring you much pleasure and it can bring you a bright future.

  14. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Dear friend,If you want to learn English well ,I can give you some advice. >>>More

  15. 1個回答2024-06-16

    My school is far away from the centre of city and ia at the foot of the are more than fifty years of history in this are three grades, each grade has twenty 's more,there are three teaching buildings, a laboratory building and an office first day to go to school,I feel very then,I also made some new friends and they are very friendly.

  16. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Dear Miss Yao,I will graduate from our would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during the three years. You were always so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. >>>More

  17. 1個回答2024-06-16


  18. 1個回答2024-06-16

    My day arrangements

    Now, the new term begins. I live the life normal as before. Every morning, I get up at 6: >>>More

  19. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Dear Peter,I’m glad to receive your to Chian! Now I want to tell you something about the Chinese table manners. In China the host or hostess doesn't eat every dish first until the guests and elders begin . >>>More

  20. 1個回答2024-06-16

    Dear Ms Jenkins,I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. >>>More

  21. 3個回答2024-06-16

    如果我是桃花心木,我會對植樹人說:謝謝你的耕耘,我什麼都懂,我會努力扎根,不辜負你對我的期望== >>>More

  22. 2個回答2024-06-16

    Dear Mike,How are you doing recently? I hope you are doing great. >>>More

  23. 2個回答2024-06-16

    他被判處10年徒刑。 其中一人成年後被判處12年徒刑,另外三人均為未成年人,已被判處緩刑。

  24. 5個回答2024-06-16

    多少次你把我置於艱難的環境中,時不時地讓我經歷生活的考驗,讓我學會了茁壯成長,學會了自己在土地上尋找水源。 現在,我不會枯萎,你我都成功了! 謝謝。

  25. 1個回答2024-06-16

    北京市海淀區中關村第三小學,中國民大學附屬中學,美國沙特克街 Mary's 學校(St. Mary's College of Shattart)冰球學校。

  26. 2個回答2024-06-16


  27. 3個回答2024-06-16

    如果聖子不教導,聖父就是有罪的! 開著車毆打受害人,輪姦,知道自己一出生就該被勒死,危害社會,作為父親,連自己的兒子都教不好,整天跑來跑去給別人當法官,評價什麼???

  28. 1個回答2024-06-16


  29. 1個回答2024-06-16

    網易娛樂9月8日報道 昨日,一張“山西奧迪與無牌寶馬車主在海淀某社群門前毆打人”的照片在網上流傳開來,後來證實寶馬司機就是李雙江的兒子。 在海淀警方調查期間,山西省國稅局發表宣告稱,奧迪與奧迪無關,李雙江的電話也一直無人接聽。 >>>More

  30. 2個回答2024-06-16
