
發布 2024-03-08
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    Dear friend,If you want to learn English well ,I can give you some advice.

    First,you should spend a lot of time to practise your English. Such as listening English songs on the radio,speaking English to your classmate,reading English newspaper and writing English positions.

    Then you should try to listen carefully in your English should be brave to talk with the should read a lot and practise your writing skills.

    I hope that all I say can help you.

    Best Wishes!

  1. 2個回答2024-03-08

    Dear Jack,I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so don't know how you got it,however,don't be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high just need to be clam and partner the treatment with the ,I want to give some advice about how to prevent the A H1N1 ,you mustn't go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of getting ,you should wash your hand before the meals and after you go home from do this can you precent yourself from getting it again. >>>More

  2. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Dear Peter, I was received your letter and would like to anwser your question. You were asked me how to learn Chinese well. I will give my suggestions on four aspects. >>>More

  3. 2個回答2024-03-08

    My name is Li Hua. My home town is LiHua village. It is a small village located at GuangXi. >>>More

  4. 1個回答2024-03-08

    She is a teacher who looks the students' benefits more important than class is funny and we can understand it is always kind to us while sometimes she will be strict with us. Her teaching quantity is higher and higher due to she is >>>More

  5. 10個回答2024-03-08

    Dear Mr. Jone

    I want to thank you for I met terrible fog helpless time, you gave me a lot of help,, you took my hand to give me to lead the way, and encouraged me to brave, thank you help me eliminate fear, now I have graduate from college, I go back to China. How are you doing, you still happy as we live together day? If you have free, I'd like to invite you to China. >>>More

  6. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Dear Manager,My name is Ming Li, a high school student. I am looking for a summer job and I believe my skills and background are perfect to fit the position you are have very good English language skills and have no problems communicating with English speakers. Besides, I love invention which is part of my life. >>>More

  7. 1個回答2024-03-08


  8. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Dear Frank:

    I hear you next Saturday to come to my home, I'm home in Shuozhou City, County Baita Street on the t he train station,you come here by bus, get off at the White Tower Street Station, walk forward 50 meters, there is a yellow house, it is my home. >>>More

  9. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Having a good education is very beneficial to us . There are the following reasons. First a good education can help us get more knowledge and experience, which certainly provides us with personal enrichment and improvement. >>>More

  10. 1個回答2024-03-08


    本書作者是梅子涵。 這個名字聽起來像是乙個女人,但實際上是乙個男人。 梅子涵的寫作風格也像個女人,像個囉嗦的老太太,嘮叨,胡說八道,但從這些“廢話”中,我們可以體會到幽默和微笑。 >>>More

  11. 1個回答2024-03-08

    您好,以下是我根據題目要求寫的一篇英文作文,希望對大家有所幫助: >>>More

  12. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Last Sunday, I and my father, mother, went to ShangHai by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. >>>More

  13. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Dear Kate:I'm happy to see the E-mail from knew that you would go to China to study to how to study Chinese well, I have some ideas for you. Firstly, you should practice reading Chinese words aloud as much as you can. >>>More

  14. 2個回答2024-03-08

    I am the president of the students union,Li May 8th to May 9th,our school is going to have some activities in the school talent activities includes singing competetion and other talent show,included English short opera and English singing show

  15. 2個回答2024-03-08

    Holle,I'李喜歡玩,喜歡吃蘋果、香蕉和Sutday,我喜歡玩我的那個,我喜歡幫媽媽做很喜歡翹曲的電視。 >>>More

  16. 1個回答2024-03-08

    My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we >>>More

  17. 1個回答2024-03-08


    白愛吃,我也不例外。 >>>More

  18. 5個回答2024-03-08

    桃花世界裡有很多美麗的花朵,從鮮豔的山丹花、粉紅的牽牛花、藍寶石藍的鈴鐺花,但我最喜歡的是春天的使者——桃花。 >>>More

  19. 2個回答2024-03-08


  20. 2個回答2024-03-08

    在我家門前,有幾朵小野菊。 不知道這些野菊是什麼時候開始在那裡生長的,在我的記憶裡,好像只有一兩朵,然後它們長得越來越旺盛,長得大大的。每年秋葉散落,寒冬來臨之際,都會綻放,金黃的花朵十分醒目! >>>More

  21. 1個回答2024-03-08

    我的另一片天空 另一片最能承載我夢想的天空,是那張雪白的畫紙。 而描繪夢想的是魔筆。 鉛筆乙個接乙個地消失,那是時間的流逝; 白紙堆積如山; 這是記憶的證明。 >>>More

  22. 1個回答2024-03-08

    這種回信介紹信多用於在BAI駐華領事館申請簽證。 >>>More

  23. 2個回答2024-03-08

    做你自己的線上搜尋,還有很多。 我跳過了兩個好的,希望對你有所幫助。 >>>More

  24. 1個回答2024-03-08

    In a school,There is a man named Li day he gets up very early,Every time the teacher asked a question,He was the one who raised his is over,Li Hua and sit at the same table and some brothers to play time I call the bell,He runs the physical education class,He ran down the day he is like this.

  25. 2個回答2024-03-08


  26. 2個回答2024-03-08


  27. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Dear Peter

    I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind of you to invite me to your house and I hopefully want to celebrate your birthday with you and express my best wishes to you. Much to my regret, I will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner, for which I am now quite busy preparing. >>>More

  28. 1個回答2024-03-08

    My day arrangements

    Now, the new term begins. I live the life normal as before. Every morning, I get up at 6: >>>More

  29. 1個回答2024-03-08

    Rose is much more a symbol than a kind of thousand years,old China has seen this flower as a sign of true love and pure are sweetly described as they 're thought as beautiful as them. >>>More

  30. 1個回答2024-03-08

    我的家鄉在鄭州,說到家鄉的紅棗,大家都知道。 聲譽。 >>>More