
發布 蘋果 2024-10-02
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-07

    What would you like to eat and drink?

  1. 3個回答2024-10-02


    譯文]:他 >>>More

  2. 2個回答2024-10-02

    My (younger) sister wants to eat/have tomatoes.

    親愛的:高老師祝你學業進步,天天快樂! >>>More

  3. 4個回答2024-10-02

    你和你的男朋友約會,他想吃水果,你去買,有香蕉和蘋果。 你可以問你的男朋友是否喜歡香蕉或蘋果,然後拿走它們。 或者兩種水果都取一種,讓他選擇。

  4. 3個回答2024-10-02

    你好。 根據您的中文意思,英文翻譯如下: >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-10-02

    May I have an apple?/Iwant to have an apple./Can I have an apple please?

  6. 3個回答2024-10-02

    His favorite teacher is English teacher Liyong, they are good friend.

  7. 3個回答2024-10-02

    你好! 他非常喜歡西紅柿。

    He likes tomatoes very much. >>>More

  8. 1個回答2024-10-02

    Li Ming is twelve years old this year

  9. 7個回答2024-10-02

    小貼士:如果你想吃所有的蘋果,每天至少要喝一杯酸奶或蜂蜜。 建議一開始乙個月不吃東西,堅持吃蘋果一周,一周吃正常飲食(少吃脂肪,不吃宵夜,多吃蔬菜水果),交替吃,我以前就是這樣吃的。 >>>More

  10. 1個回答2024-10-02


  11. 2個回答2024-10-02


    Last night, I played with Li-Ming and some other classmates on the playground. We played and played and we forgot to go home. Our parents was worryed that we are in danger. >>>More

  12. 1個回答2024-10-02

    What did you eat yesterday?

    昨天的詞彙。 昨天獻上 >>>More

  13. 1個回答2024-10-02

    他原籍山西,1969年出生在祖國西北新轎烏魯木齊。 60年代大學畢業後,父母響應黨的號召,自願支援邊疆建設。 1985-1986年,他因對學習失去興趣,幾乎要輟學,1986年,他勉強從新疆實驗中學考入蘭州大學工程力學系。 >>>More

  14. 1個回答2024-10-02

    乍一看是作業題,建議大家參考平時的練習冊,英文作文一般都有模板,祝大家學習愉快。 乙個前人的身份告訴你要珍惜你現在學習英語的機會......

  15. 3個回答2024-10-02

    看完幾個朋友的回答,我猜你還是一頭霧水,直譯就是你給她買了蘋果,如果環境足夠浪漫,可以告訴你,當亞當和夏娃在伊甸園的時候,一條可愛的蛇騙他們吃蘋果,而張聖莫瑞竟然是他們發生了關係。 希望你得到的是以後的結果。

  16. 2個回答2024-10-02

    It was Mr Li that/who he watched on TV yesterday.

    親愛的:高老師祝你學業進步,天天快樂! >>>More

  17. 8個回答2024-10-02


  18. 4個回答2024-10-02


  19. 2個回答2024-10-02

    My mother bought many tomatoes yesterday.

    許多英語 [ meni ] Mei [ m ni]. >>>More

  20. 2個回答2024-10-02

    同學們,大家好,應該是我沒有't get up as early as Lilei yesterday morning. >>>More

  21. 1個回答2024-10-02


  22. 1個回答2024-10-02

    他一看到白譚梨,就把蘋果扔了出去。 隨身攜帶。

  23. 2個回答2024-10-02

    he like tomatoes and milk

  24. 1個回答2024-10-02

    李陽爸爸渾身發抖,對他生氣,是不是缺了洞鍵? >>>More

  25. 1個回答2024-10-02

    I like the tomato and egg noodles.

  26. 2個回答2024-10-02


  27. 5個回答2024-10-02

    Li Hua's parents are strict to him.

  28. 1個回答2024-10-02


  29. 1個回答2024-10-02

    His family name is Li, given name Lei. His full name is Li Lei

  30. 2個回答2024-10-02

    Teacher Li lent his raincoat to me.

    Teacher Li let me use his raincoat. >>>More