關於用英語寫櫻花的論文! 最好沒有錯誤

發布 櫻花 2024-10-21
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-07

    I am going to have a wonderful best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover,which will not end until Saturday , I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very really look forward to my weekend

  1. 4個回答2024-10-21


    三月,鮮花盛開。 乙個陽光明媚的週六早晨,媽媽帶著我和妹妹去陽明山看美麗的櫻花。 >>>More

  2. 2個回答2024-10-21

    Dear Paul,I have got your letter, and thank you very much for inviting me to your school's cultural exchange and the introduction of Chinese Traditional Paintings next week's. I am sure it would be a wonderful experience for me, there must be plenty to learn which I shall find it really interesting and a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I have a bad new to tell you. >>>More

  3. 4個回答2024-10-21

    Dear Phelps,I'm sorry that you have to go back home for medical treatment .It's totally a sudden for I always regard you as an athletic condition is permitted, I wish to know what disease have you Chinese tradition medical standard is very high now, maybe I can provide some the days you were absent,your classmates were so worried about your health condition and cure took many photos of the activities our class took part in I will transmit them with this e-mail togather to you,with the hope of reliefing your ,on behalf of all your classmates, I wish you can recover soon and go back to China to study with us. >>>More

  4. 3個回答2024-10-21

    I am going to have a wonderful best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover,which will not end until Saturday , I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very really look forward to my weekend

  5. 1個回答2024-10-21

    如果你是李華,你的同學JACK在美國做交換生時,因甲型流感入院,很緊張。 你從他父親的電話中得知了這件事,並決定寫一封哀悼信。 主要功能包括: >>>More

  6. 2個回答2024-10-21


    我喜歡葡萄,不僅因為它們種類繁多,還因為它們是如此甜美可口,讓你想吃它們。 >>>More

  7. 7個回答2024-10-21

    櫻花有淡粉色、白色、淺紅色和深粉色。 櫻花樹上的櫻花有的長得很茂密,看不到縫隙,有的只長出花骨,有的只長出幾朵花和嫩芽。 >>>More

  8. 1個回答2024-10-21


    站在櫻花谷的山頂上,煙雨朦朧,覆蓋著粉紅色的櫻花,像一場紫色的雨。 >>>More

  9. 1個回答2024-10-21

    some say love

    it is a river >>>More

  10. 2個回答2024-10-21


    Dear ××How long no see since you moved! I've heard you have a problem now. It is said that you've been lost in network games and don't study hard any longer. >>>More

  11. 6個回答2024-10-21

    我喜歡的水果有很多,比如:荔枝、橙子......其中,我最喜歡吃紅蘋果。 >>>More

  12. 2個回答2024-10-21

    I have got a good is a name is is taller than has got short black is very is a bit likes learning likes likes Chinese, word is very likes likes playing he can play it very likes football, can play it very can always be friend.

  13. 1個回答2024-10-21

    junior high school life is a mysterious cotton yarn, always want to lift its true colors, look inside the surprise; now opened, but brought a lot of troubles and confusion, happy, sad, and so on. This surprise really let oneself can not

  14. 2個回答2024-10-21

    李雲迪,熱愛音樂的中國著名鋼琴家,1982年出生於重慶,小時候能哼唱歌曲,難度很大的樂曲。 他4歲開始學習手風琴,7歲開始學習鋼琴。 2000年10月,李雲迪參加波蘭第14屆蕭邦國際鋼琴比賽,獲得團體一等獎。 >>>More

  15. 1個回答2024-10-21

    To make a tasty dish called "Stir-fried eggs and tomatoes", you first need to beat the eggs until the egg york and white are all blended. Heat oil in a large pan until hot, then put in the sliced tomatoes and stir fly them until they are soft. Next, pour in the blended egg on the tomatoes and stir gently until the eggs are cooked. >>>More

  16. 4個回答2024-10-21

    為什麼要寫這麼難的文章 捏別的?

  17. 3個回答2024-10-21

    櫻花的粉紅色臉龐,帶著些許慵懶; 早春三月起床時,我不停地打扮,把嘴唇塗得緋紅,淹沒了唐朝的土地。 >>>More

  18. 2個回答2024-10-21

    李娜是跳水運動員,不是游泳運動員。 不要說我更認真。

  19. 1個回答2024-10-21

    一朵花,人們只驚嘆於它的美麗,卻忘記了,當它開放時,它經歷了很多苦難。 >>>More

  20. 1個回答2024-10-21

    先從李白永恆的四行詩開始,然後寫李白的人生事蹟,最後談談你的感受。 夜深了; 男人,喝醉了; 這首歌結束了; 眼淚不見了; 李白的人生也走到了最後一刻。 >>>More

  21. 1個回答2024-10-21


    當春天到來,天氣溫暖時,獼猴桃樹會拔出新的樹枝,長出嬌小的綠葉。 >>>More

  22. 3個回答2024-10-21

    來到實驗小學已經快一年了,每當走進校園,映入眼簾的都是一棵歷經百年風雨、滄桑、繁華的大榆樹。 它棕灰色的樹幹夾著時間的線條; 它的年輪培育了一代又一代的香桃和李子; 它的葉子和我們一起生長。 >>>More

  23. 2個回答2024-10-21


    菊花,美麗的菊花。 你是秋天的化身,是秋天的使者。 我愛你,菊花。 >>>More

  24. 1個回答2024-10-21


    細雨如絲,蘋果樹貪婪地吮吸著春天的花蜜,伸展著纖細的枝條,在雨霧中歡笑。 >>>More

  25. 1個回答2024-10-21

    Cherry Blossom

    櫻花 [yīng huā]. >>>More

  26. 1個回答2024-10-21

    “荷葉是無限綠的,荷花是不同的紅色。 這是宋代詩人楊萬曆的一句好話。 其實我也非常喜歡荷花。 >>>More

  27. 1個回答2024-10-21


    本書作者是梅子涵。 這個名字聽起來像是乙個女人,但實際上是乙個男人。 梅子涵的寫作風格也像個女人,像個囉嗦的老太太,嘮叨,胡說八道,但從這些“廢話”中,我們可以體會到幽默和微笑。 >>>More

  28. 1個回答2024-10-21

    看著一望無際的莊稼田,先感受秋天的資訊。 田野裡,高粱熟了,紅紅的,像燃燒的火焰,一陣秋風吹來,葉子像無數的旗幟迎接。 >>>More

  29. 2個回答2024-10-21

    有一天,媽媽從花市買了乙個“洋蔥”。 它是圓形的,灰色的,不顯眼的。 媽媽把它放在乙個大頭小身的玻璃瓶上,根部浸泡在水裡。 >>>More

  30. 1個回答2024-10-21

    在生活中,我們需要成功的喜悅,挫折的痛苦,歡笑,以及勇往直前的勇氣 勇氣就是敢想敢做,不怕氣勢 人生需要很多很多的勇氣,在各種條件下才能證明乙個人是有勇氣還是懦弱 成功的人有什麼? 智慧? 人才? >>>More