
發布 2024-12-18
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-07


    Some advices to Li Gang.

    Hello Li Gang,It seems that you are not quite settled done in the new school. Pergaps you may feel stress on the new period of study. of course, some new faces of your classmates may lead you to think about your old friends.

    What I suggest you to do are: go to make your new friends and have good communication with them. Try your best to understand what teachers say in the class.

    Discuss any question you have with your friends. Go out play basketball with your ckassnates.

    I believe you will be settled down very soon.

    Li Hua.

  1. 2個回答2024-12-18


  2. 1個回答2024-12-18

    它開啟了,花園裡到處都是紫色和紅色,從遠處看,它就像一大片晨曦從天而降。 桃花的香味是如此的清爽。 挖進你的鼻孔,撲進你的心臟,大口吸氣。 >>>More

  3. 1個回答2024-12-18

    Another year grape harvest season, our whole family to do cheerfully. >>>More

  4. 2個回答2024-12-18

    Dear Tom,I'm Li Hua. Glad to hear you will come to China during the new year holiday. I'm staying in Shanghai and would like to suggest you visit Shanghai for a city tour, I can be tour guide for you as I'm familiar with this city. >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-12-18

    每乙個像星星一樣閃耀的偉人,都經歷過無數的人生窘境,在憤世嫉俗中,他逐漸將人生向前推進,捕捉夢想的痕跡。 我心中的偶像不怕吃苦,經受了無數的摧殘,依然是黑夜中一顆耀眼的星星。 >>>More

  6. 1個回答2024-12-18

    中午,李靜和宋佳和幾個同學在操場上玩耍,不知道是誰喊了一聲:“李靜,看誰來了”......李靜連忙轉過頭,卻看不見人,操場上還只有幾個人,李靜納悶,誰叫自己? >>>More

  7. 1個回答2024-12-18


  8. 1個回答2024-12-18

    女性多才多藝,出名。 李青釗是乙個歷代陌生的女人,出身於文藝世家,讓她擁有了與常人女性不同的才華和憂國憂民的情操! 前半生,他和丈夫一起喝酒、談詩畫,每天做著一切優雅的事情,閒著又開心。 >>>More

  9. 2個回答2024-12-18

    張裕瑞納酒莊位於陝西省渭北乾旱高原地區,但與煙台、新疆、寧夏等釀酒葡萄產區相比,知名度還不夠高。 但鮮為人知的是,這個產區有著輝煌的歷史。 “勸你喝杯酒,西洋關沒人。 >>>More

  10. 1個回答2024-12-18


    濰城迎雨輕飄揚,招待所綠柳色。 勸你喝杯酒,西出陽關也沒理由。 唐代詩人王維的名詩中提到的“濰城”,自西漢以來就有釀酒的傳統,在唐代,“濰城”仍是唐代太宗李世民的皇家葡萄園所在地。 >>>More

  11. 2個回答2024-12-18

    今天下午,一家人吃完晚飯後,我們決定趁著夜色出門,看看池塘裡的荷花。 >>>More