
發布 2024-02-13
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    這通常稱為簡歷。 更正式地稱為簡歷,許多大學不要求在申請過程中附上簡歷,但在申請過程中傳送簡歷已成為一種常見的做法。

    推薦信:推薦信,也稱為推薦信。 這是申請過程的重要組成部分。

    北美的霍爾家庭通常需要三封推薦信,而新加坡和澳大利亞的學校只需要兩封推薦信。 一般來說,除了推薦信外,推薦人還需要對申請人進行客觀評估,並填寫乙份與作弊相關的表格,該表格可在國外大學研究生院的網站上下載。 需要指出的是,推薦信必須由推薦人親自蓋章並簽名。

    研究計畫書:即研究計畫書。 在香港和共和联邦國家學習需要該檔案。 與個人陳述相比,研究計畫更具學術性和專業性,對申請人的要求更高。

    寫作樣本:模仿就是寫作樣本。 它是文科學生的重中之重,主要考察申請人的英語表達能力、論文寫作水平和邏輯思維能力。


  1. 4個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Tom,is Li you for your am sorry to hear that you are becoming fatter and fatter don't worry, would like to give you some a matter of fact,being fat is nothing serious,so there is no need to be ,eating too much meat and fat together with a lack of exercise leads to a rise of weight and ,in my opinion,you should do the ,keep doing exercise for more than half an hour every ,keep a balanced more fruit and vegetable and little ,have a long walk after a hope that will help luck. >>>More

  2. 3個回答2024-02-13

    你可以翻譯這 4 個點,其餘的你不知道嗎?

  3. 2個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Jack,I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so don't know how you got it,however,don't be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high just need to be clam and partner the treatment with the ,I want to give some advice about how to prevent the A H1N1 ,you mustn't go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of getting ,you should wash your hand before the meals and after you go home from do this can you precent yourself from getting it again. >>>More

  4. 1個回答2024-02-13

    I'm a have many favorites.

    My favorite subjekt is you ask me"why do you like math".Because I think math is very can help get good grades. >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-02-13


    The experience of learning English >>>More

  6. 10個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Mr. Jone

    I want to thank you for I met terrible fog helpless time, you gave me a lot of help,, you took my hand to give me to lead the way, and encouraged me to brave, thank you help me eliminate fear, now I have graduate from college, I go back to China. How are you doing, you still happy as we live together day? If you have free, I'd like to invite you to China. >>>More

  7. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Since last summer,I have written to my pen pal,Seda,who lives in became acquainted with her when I went to England for a study tour. We stayed with the same family,and she was my roommate and classmate as we went to the movies together after is very easy to get along will always remember the two weeks I spent with didn't forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned home

  8. 3個回答2024-02-13


    I'm Lihua, i heard about, that u are not comfortable living in China. Pls go home. >>>More

  9. 2個回答2024-02-13


  10. 1個回答2024-02-13

    I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well,I have some avice for you if you like. >>>More

  11. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Peter,As the Internet is developing fast,more and more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here are some examples. >>>More

  12. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Sir,Last week,our class had a talk about the problems in the city's drew some conclusions after the I am very glad to state our suggesstion on behalf of our ,the entrance and exit of the metro is a little secret--with a lot os ads the signs are covered and not very striking to a result,sometimes it's a little hard to find the entrance or it's especially dangerous when a sudden emergency ,the stairs to the metor is out of date and stale,which can't satisfy the passengers' need,and it's particularly inconvenient to the old and 2 points above are the fruits of our will be glad to see the metro develop well and bring more convinience to our daily you very much!Yours sincererly Li Hua

  13. 1個回答2024-02-13


  14. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Brown

    Glat to see your last Email and thanks for your kind compliment >>>More

  15. 1個回答2024-02-13

    您好,以下是我根據題目要求寫的一篇英文作文,希望對大家有所幫助: >>>More

  16. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Kate:I'm happy to see the E-mail from knew that you would go to China to study to how to study Chinese well, I have some ideas for you. Firstly, you should practice reading Chinese words aloud as much as you can. >>>More

  17. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Hello Peter,Many thanks for your lovely gift I just recieved. The doll looks very beautiful and I love it very much. It's perfect for my birthday. >>>More

  18. 1個回答2024-02-13

    人生苦短,不能急於求成。 無論發生什麼,學會以不同的方式思考,你都會感到快樂。 幸福的生活必須有正確的思想觀念,只有在正確的思想觀念的指導下,才能有正確的行為,正確的行為被多次重複,形成正確的習慣,正確的習慣就會塑造成良好的品格,從而創造幸福的生活。

  19. 1個回答2024-02-13

    如果你是李華,請寫信給英國筆友彼得,介紹你學校上週接待英國某高中學生訪問團的活動如下: 1、籃球友誼賽; 2、參觀當地景點; 3. 舉辦派對。

  20. 2個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Peter,I’m glad to receive your e-mail. Now I’d like to tell you something about the manners in China. >>>More

  21. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Having a good education is very beneficial to us . There are the following reasons. First a good education can help us get more knowledge and experience, which certainly provides us with personal enrichment and improvement. >>>More

  22. 1個回答2024-02-13

    First of all, congratulations on you was admitted to a famous university, this is the dream of you grew up, congratulations to your dreams come true. I wish you well in college life. Still don't know what you want to go to the professional, how about the prospect of this major, after graduation is good looking for work, how about working conditions. >>>More

  23. 1個回答2024-02-13

    Dear Peter,I’m glad to receive your to Chian! Now I want to tell you something about the Chinese table manners. In China the host or hostess doesn't eat every dish first until the guests and elders begin . >>>More