
發布 2024-03-02
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    I am Jack,There will be a picnic the day had a meeting in the you weren't at I will tell you what we should take tomorrow . will meet at 7:30 at we take the bus to We can take some vegetables or some meet to cook for must wear it'rains ,we will go there the next week of Tuseday

  1. 1個回答2024-03-02

    樓下上傳了mp3格式,我覺得太多了,因為你問的標籤是無損音樂,所以我就上傳最後一天的無損格式。 >>>More

  2. 1個回答2024-03-02

    She is a teacher who looks the students' benefits more important than class is funny and we can understand it is always kind to us while sometimes she will be strict with us. Her teaching quantity is higher and higher due to she is >>>More

  3. 1個回答2024-03-02

    除了富含維生素A、B1和B2外,海藻還含有豐富的纖維和礦物質,可以幫助清除體內的廢物和積聚的水分,從而瘦腿。 >>>More

  4. 1個回答2024-03-02

    I have seen in a magazine that there is a disabled boy named Zhou has been very obsessed with Jay. He would think of ways to go to Jay Chou's concert scene, and even suicide. Li Dong knew the news and said he would not go to see him. >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-03-02

    Dear Amy,I am sorry to hear that you are usually think keep health is very can do these things as more as possible every day. >>>More

  6. 4個回答2024-03-02


  7. 1個回答2024-03-02

    Liming's birthday is coming,I want to give him a know that he likes playing I prepare to buy a football for him. >>>More

  8. 1個回答2024-03-02


  9. 1個回答2024-03-02

    郭大佑冷笑道:“福天年紀小,做錯了事也無話可說,罵他糊塗了。 舅舅已經不年輕了,舅舅為什麼不去郭家談這件事? >>>More

  10. 1個回答2024-03-02

    Dear John,I'm so glad to hear that you've come back from aboard. I miss you so much, however, i have to say sorry as i cannot attend your party to be held on Sunday. >>>More

  11. 1個回答2024-03-02

    Rose is much more a symbol than a kind of thousand years,old China has seen this flower as a sign of true love and pure are sweetly described as they 're thought as beautiful as them. >>>More

  12. 4個回答2024-03-02

    1.從樹枝上摘下來的蘋果比從雕刻盤中取出的蘋果更有味道。 >>>More

  13. 1個回答2024-03-02

    要麼是電池壞了,要麼是平板本身壞了,不然不能充電,最好在保修期內找售後服務,不要自己動手,維修費用貴到你哭了。 有時可能是充電器有問題,嘗試另乙個充電器,現在觀察充電5分鐘,然後按下電源,嘗試看看是否可以開啟。 如果不能,請將其帶到售後維修處。

  14. 1個回答2024-03-02

    正如我們的老師經常說的那樣,這句話是絕對正確的。 >>>More

  15. 1個回答2024-03-02


  16. 1個回答2024-03-02

    我寫了一本恐怖懸疑小說,所以順便支援一下。 鬼燈的作者強烈推薦這部傑作。

  17. 3個回答2024-03-02


    秦以瀟是最可疑的,推理秦以瀟是殺手的前提是我沒有看過所謂的日記。 如果日記真的有凶手的線索,凶手早就殺了李穀的時候就毀了,但如果不毀掉,那就證明日記沒有效果。 時間滾到了第四天的早晨,秦逸霄在吃飯的時候注意到了李古石,露出了神秘的笑容。 >>>More

  18. 7個回答2024-03-02

    這個問題有無數種解決方案,這完全取決於不同的資格。 >>>More

  19. 1個回答2024-03-02

    你好,紅棗是滋補中藥,可以天天吃,但不能多吃,一般一天3-5片就可以了。 >>>More

  20. 5個回答2024-03-02

    手機型號:iPhone 6s

    >2,然後在開啟的日曆中,輕點要設定提醒的日期。 >>>More

  21. 5個回答2024-03-02

    飯前一小時吃蘋果是最有益的。 每天吃2種營養素就足夠了。 >>>More

  22. 2個回答2024-03-02


    關閉bai後如何檢視蘋果手機的私隱:首先,建議把蘋果zhi >>>More

  23. 1個回答2024-03-02


  24. 1個回答2024-03-02

    Dear Peter

    I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind of you to invite me to your house and I hopefully want to celebrate your birthday with you and express my best wishes to you. Much to my regret, I will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner, for which I am now quite busy preparing. >>>More

  25. 2個回答2024-03-02


  26. 1個回答2024-03-02


  27. 1個回答2024-03-02

    一般情況下,西紅柿在種植時澆水,然後在澆水後 3 到 5 天再次澆水,直到第一穗果實像蛋黃一樣大小。 前期種植量小,葉片蒸騰量小,果實數也少,通風量也小,一般可每7 10天澆水一次(澆水量要少)。 後期,隨著植株的生長發育,果實數量增加,通風量增加,蒸騰作用最大,澆水間隔應縮短,澆水量增加,土壤應保持濕潤乾濕(以濕潤為主),一般每5 7天澆水一次, 採收期土壤應保持濕潤,提高單果重量。

  28. 6個回答2024-03-02

    蘋果的電池對他來說一直是個問題。 但如果你注意,它仍然可以非常有效地節省電力。 它不會在一天內消失。 >>>More

  29. 1個回答2024-03-02

    吃水果很難達到解毒的目的,因為乙個蘋果含有的果膠含量有限,人體吸收的果膠也有限,所以不可能一天吃20、30個蘋果。 我現在正在喝ProProPecti n果膠,相當於一袋9個蘋果,每天喝三包就可以達到我的目標。

  30. 1個回答2024-03-02

    讓我們看看你是否開啟藍芽,藍芽非常耗電 當你在後台不使用它時,不要忘記將其關閉。