
發布 蘋果 2024-07-10
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    帶走iPhone 6 Plus和電腦,這樣你以後才能考上一所好大學,學會體諒父母。


  1. 2個回答2024-07-10

    I'm a high school senior three student named Li Hua, I think spoken English is very important,and I can communicate with foreigners in spoken English.

  2. 5個回答2024-07-10

    My name is li hua, I am a senior student

  3. 1個回答2024-07-10


    不建議中學生食用,畢竟是保健品。 >>>More

  4. 1個回答2024-07-10

    Dear Peter,Im glad to receive your invitation for having a picnic together this Saturday. But Im afraid that I cant have it with you and Ifelt sorry for it. >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-07-10


    My name is Li Hua, a junior high school student >>>More

  6. 1個回答2024-07-10

    First of all, congratulations on you was admitted to a famous university, this is the dream of you grew up, congratulations to your dreams come true. I wish you well in college life. Still don't know what you want to go to the professional, how about the prospect of this major, after graduation is good looking for work, how about working conditions. >>>More

  7. 2個回答2024-07-10

    蛋。 牛奶。 營養匹配。

    早餐最好吃一些澱粉類食物,如麵包、饅頭、粥等,這些食物更容易分解,能快速提供營養供早上食用。 吃一些蛋白質食物,如肉類,消化分解緩慢,不能迅速轉化為葡萄糖來滿足人體的需要。 我們知道,大部分蛋白質被消化分解成氨基酸,分解成葡萄糖的成分很少,當血液中的葡萄糖含量較少時,氨基酸就會轉化為葡萄糖,造成營養物質的浪費。 >>>More

  8. 2個回答2024-07-10

    放棄是什麼意思? 在我們的成長過程中,有很多東西可以選擇,但選擇也意味著放棄,因為每一次選擇,你也會失去一些東西。 >>>More

  9. 2個回答2024-07-10

    My name is li hua is a senior student。

  10. 3個回答2024-07-10

    In order to slowly mood. The teacher encouraged us in the blog to write to his parents my mind: I thank my parents give me the chance to go to school, although the malicious tired... >>>More

  11. 1個回答2024-07-10

    郭大佑冷笑道:“福天年紀小,做錯了事也無話可說,罵他糊塗了。 舅舅已經不年輕了,舅舅為什麼不去郭家談這件事? >>>More

  12. 2個回答2024-07-10

    早餐:少量澱粉醣+蛋白質(牛奶和雞蛋)+蔬菜水果,一定要吃一些澱粉醣,否則蛋白質攝入會轉化為糖的替代品。 中午多吃,晚上少吃也沒關係。 >>>More

  13. 2個回答2024-07-10


    在不同的省市,甚至在學校裡,情況可能有所不同。 >>>More

  14. 5個回答2024-07-10


  15. 1個回答2024-07-10

    你好! 我是李華,三年級八年級學生。

    I'm li hua, a student class 8, grade three >>>More

  16. 6個回答2024-07-10

    先別買了,官方也會發永久槍,等便宜一點再買。 再次購買永遠不會太晚!

  17. 1個回答2024-07-10


    句子流暢,沒有錯別字。 >>>More

  18. 1個回答2024-07-10

    I'm Li Hua, a freshman at Tsinghua University.

  19. 2個回答2024-07-10

    還行。 但你最好買一部普通的手機加觸控4

  20. 1個回答2024-07-10

    Li Ming is one of the most diligent/hardworking student in my class.

  21. 3個回答2024-07-10

    i am li hua from hongxing middle school

  22. 4個回答2024-07-10


  23. 4個回答2024-07-10

    學生聚會,家庭條件一般,蘋果6不值得,因為沒必要為了虛榮心而盲目比較。 >>>More

  24. 1個回答2024-07-10

    您的需求,螢幕大而螢幕小,價效比低。 但是不建議購買蘋果手機,使用起來很麻煩。 蘋果只是更漂亮一點。

  25. 3個回答2024-07-10

    355 18 太貴了 有工作可以申請優優寶分期免手續費和手續費,5288元。 Uyobo暫時支援正在工作的人。

  26. 2個回答2024-07-10


  27. 2個回答2024-07-10


    你為什麼不買其他mp4? >>>More

  28. 3個回答2024-07-10

    I am a Guangming senior high school sophomore student, Li Hua. >>>More

  29. 1個回答2024-07-10

    My name is li Ming. I'm a middle school student.

  30. 1個回答2024-07-10

    Li Ming is a student in Grade used to be a problem was always late for class,and hardly care about his even used to cut classes to play computer games sometime! He also argued with our relief,he changed a lot these ,he get to school on time,and study much doesn't play computer games is good with his classmates, has already been one of the good students in the can,so everyone can.