
發布 2024-08-20
  1. 匿名使用者2023-11-06

    My favourite colour

    Purple is my favourite colour .It is very mystery,fresh,and it looks expensive, I see this colour,I will lenovo to 's very many girls like this 's very happy the nature,there are many things are you walk into lavender sea,that's so 's why I love one is your favourite colour?


    紫色是我最喜歡換的顏色,它非常有核和神秘,清新,而且看起來很貴。 當我看到這種顏色時,我會想到薰衣草。 它們非常漂亮,所以很多女孩都喜歡這種顏色,這是一種快樂的顏色。

    在自然界中,有很多東西是紫色的。 當你走在薰衣草花的海洋中時,這是一件多麼美妙的事情! 這就是為什麼我喜歡紫色,你最喜歡的顏色是什麼?

  1. 1個回答2024-08-20

    if a person's style is honored and supported, they will find their way in their own time and, just like the tortoise, they might just beat the speedier, more easily distracted person to the finish line. It's important to remember that we are not actually in a race to get somewhere ahead of someone else, and it is difficult to judge by appearances whether

  2. 1個回答2024-08-20

    Faker is South Korea's SK Telecom T1 K League single player, known as the big devil. At first he was playing (one of the four branches of Dota games) Chaos online, just after the start of the contact opening hanbok online game League of Legends. His good hero Trickery Enchantress make him a powerful single. >>>More

  3. 1個回答2024-08-20

    我喜歡蓮花。 初夏時節,空氣中會瀰漫著一層淡淡的霧氣,荷花的香氣浸透在這層霧氣中,讓我整個夏天都感到芬芳。 你看,池塘裡的荷花在微笑,有的粉色,有的白色,有的深紅色,有的白色和紅色,就像我們的小臉一樣。 >>>More

  4. 2個回答2024-08-20

    做你自己的線上搜尋,還有很多。 我跳過了兩個好的,希望對你有所幫助。 >>>More

  5. 1個回答2024-08-20

    In a school,There is a man named Li day he gets up very early,Every time the teacher asked a question,He was the one who raised his is over,Li Hua and sit at the same table and some brothers to play time I call the bell,He runs the physical education class,He ran down the day he is like this.

  6. 1個回答2024-08-20

    Marinated Tomato

    Tomato 300g >>>More

  7. 3個回答2024-08-20

    I have a good name is Liming.

    He is thirteen years likes exercise,usually when he comes home from eating habits are pretty likes eating vegetables and never eats junk food. >>>More

  8. 2個回答2024-08-20


    在它的美麗中,國力、言語、言語、網路的樣子,我以為它不怕雪霜。 冬天,所有的花朵都凋謝了,只有它為這個寒冷的冬天增添了美麗。 寧可抱著香枝長老,總比在秋風中與黃葉共舞。 >>>More